Lila’s Story
Meet Lila! She is full of energy and always ready to get involved in our make believe adventures. She always enjoys Drama Tots to the fullest and is a joy to have in our classes!
Here is what Lila’s mummy says about their Drama Tots experience:
How long have you been coming to Drama Tots?
6 years in total! I first attended with my two sons, and have been coming with Lila since she was 18 months old.
What does Lila enjoy most about Drama Tots classes?
The imaginative journey that Drama Tots takes her on and the range of exciting and immersive activities.
Does Lila have a favourite Drama Tots activity?
She loves bubbles, scarves and the sensory circuit equipment such as the footprints, balance beam and tunnel.
Has Drama Tots benefited Lila?
Yes, it helped her to see the world beyond its basic reality and that she, as a child, can immerse herself in the whimsical and magical and celebrate this. She has also learned to share and to read emotions more visually.
Do you enjoy participating in Drama Tots classes alongside Lila?
Yes absolutely love it - to be able to help her to engage fully in songs or activities and also have precious time with her.
Does Lila talk about Drama Tots between sessions?
All the time! Drama Tots is a regular feature of our conversations. She sings the songs from the CD or ones that she has learned in class as she plays.
Tell us about the atmosphere in class.
Amazingly inclusive, kind and warm but purposeful.
What qualities does your Drama Tots teacher bring to class?
Charisma, kindness, modelling of the best values such as fully active listening and mutual respect- all contributions are celebrated.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
This is the best possible start to our week! Drama Tots has transformed our Monday mornings into a magical adventure.
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