Jacob’s Story
Jacob attends Drama Tots classes in Coventry and he simply adores his teacher, Helen.
Take a look at what Jacob’s Mummy says about their Drama Tots experience:
How long have you been coming to Drama Tots?
18 months.
What does Jacob enjoy most about Drama Tots classes?
Looking for the boxes with the key inside and singing the Drama Tots Song.
Has Drama Tots benefited Jacob?
When Jacob first started Drama Tots, it was his first time going to any toddler group and seeing other children after he was born in lockdown. He was very shy and didn’t join in with anything at all. He just sat on my lap or would want me to carry him. After a few months of perseverance, and with Helen becoming a familiar safe face, he really came out of his shell. Now he’s one of the first to join in on activities and sing and action along to the songs! I also think going to Drama Tots helped his confidence around other children and adults. I’m so glad we signed up to it.
Do you enjoy participating in Drama Tots classes alongside Jacob?
Yes, but I don’t have the energy Helen does!
Does your child talk about Drama Tots between sessions?
He’ll sing along if I randomly start singing the song and if I ask him if he wants to go he gets really excited about it. Often we’ll replay the free sessions on YouTube from lockdown and he joins in with that.
Tell us about the atmosphere in class.
It couldn’t be more welcoming and friendly.
It's a pleasure to inspire children like Jacob every week!
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