King’s Coronation Street Party! — Drama Tots: SING, DANCE, PLAY and LEARN. Award-winning classes for 18 month to 7 year olds

At Drama Tots we are marking the King’s Coronation with a specially themed Street Party celebration! Children are invited to wear red, white and blue — we know how our families love a dressing-up opportunity!

Children in the UK have never experienced a coronation before so we are celebrating in the Drama Tots way with a fun, age-appropriate and educational session.

This lesson will be shared with children in their public classes as well as in nurseries and Early Years settings. 

Here’s what we have planned:

  • We are joining the King’s procession, waving our flags and marching through the streets of London.

  • Decorating the street with bunting and balloons, in preparation for our street party.

  • Baking cakes to share with our friends.

  • Enjoying a big street party picnic. Yummy!

  • Partying and dancing Drama Tots style! Can you do the limbo?

  • And finally, we end the festivities with fireworks!

There’s still time to join these special sessions. Find your local Drama Tots class bellow for more information

If there isn’t a class running near you and you would like to learn more about running your own Drama Tots business, find out more bellow 
