At Drama Tots we are marking the King’s Coronation with a specially themed Street Party celebration! Children are invited to wear red, white and blue — we know how our families love a dressing-up opportunity!
Children in the UK have never experienced a coronation before so we are celebrating in the Drama Tots way with a fun, age-appropriate and educational session.
This lesson will be shared with children in their public classes as well as in nurseries and Early Years settings.
Here’s what we have planned:
We are joining the King’s procession, waving our flags and marching through the streets of London.
Decorating the street with bunting and balloons, in preparation for our street party.
Baking cakes to share with our friends.
Enjoying a big street party picnic. Yummy!
Partying and dancing Drama Tots style! Can you do the limbo?
And finally, we end the festivities with fireworks!
There’s still time to join these special sessions. Find your local Drama Tots class bellow for more information
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