Donna - Drama Tots Diss, Stowmarket and Thetford
How long have you been a Drama Tots franchisee?
I launched Drama Tots Diss, Stowmarket and Thetford in September 2021, so just 8 months ago!
How many classes do you run each week?
I currently run 10 public classes each week
alongside classes, what are the other elements that make up your Drama Tots business?
As well as my fabulous parent and child classes, I also run sessions in Early years settings, as well as parties. More recently, I have started offering Specials – seasonal one off adventures open to everyone!
What did you do before becoming a Drama Tots franchisee?
Before Drama Tots, I had spent 12 years in Recruitment – predominantly in a Sales and Account Management role. Although this is completely different to Drama Tots, there’s no doubt I gained a multitude of transferable skills.
Why did you become a Drama Tots franchisee?
Everything about Drama Tots fits perfectly into my life. It offers a wonderful work-life balance, allowing me to work hard for myself and to be there when my family needs me, including every school drop off and pick up.
I had been looking for the perfect opportunity for years but nothing caught my eye until one day in June 2020, in the midst of lockdown, I happened to come across a post on a public Facebook page from none other than Drama Tots founder Leanne. A few clicks later, I found Drama Tots and the rest is history!!!
My family always has and always will come first, but it's incredibly important for me and my husband to teach our children the values of life and ultimately how to go to work every day and to have an income. I knew I was ready for a new challenge in my work life, but when I found Drama Tots it offered something different. It allowed me the chance to blend many of my key skills, such as business management, performance, sales and marketing into one.
I work the hours and days I want, the support from Head Office is outstanding and I still feel part of a team – a very talented team, yet I can still make all the key decisions when running my business.
How has your life changed since joining Drama Tots?
Drama Tots brings me nothing but joy and happiness. Yes it is hard work, I work incredibly hard, but it is worth it in every way. I have had so many friends and family comment on how happy I am and they can see how proud I am of my little business. Children are our future and it’s so amazing to see so many wonderful faces every week, and to take them on one adventure after another. Hearing feedback from their grown ups is just amazing…
When a non verbal child starts singing because of Drama Tots
When a nervous and unconfident child starts running around the room away from their grown up
Watching new friendships being made
These are just a handful of examples of why I love my job. It's flexible, I'm in control, yet I have the benefit of a supportive and professional team always on hand to guide me through my journey.
What do you love most about Drama Tots?
EVERYTHING!!!! The first term and the first year were always going to be the hardest and having just completed my second term, I feel so much more confident. There's no doubt it is hard work, but the rewards far outweigh any of the challenges.
What qualities do you bring to your Drama Tots business?
I believe I offer a mix of good business sense, a passion for performing arts, and a love of being a valuable part of a child's development and their individual journey.
Toddler and preschool years go by so quickly and it’s so important we allow as many children as possible to reach their full potential. The skills gained at Drama Tots will help a child much further into their childhood and schooling years than just the time they came along to an in person class with me.
What is your dream for the future?
To continue growing my business and watch it go from strength to strength. I hope one day to possibly recruit my own teacher who can undertake additional classes for me within my territory. I have now started birthday parties and special sessions. I will potentially look to run pop-up sessions in new areas within my territory as well as branching into more early years settings.
What would you say to anyone who is considering becoming a Drama Tots franchisee?
Do it!!! Joining Drama Tots was without a doubt the best ‘work’ decision I have ever made. I have the perfect work and life balance and my job is literally the most fun you could ever have going to work (if you can ever call it that!).
Anything else you would like to add?
Everything about Drama Tots is amazing but I would like to make an extra note about the support you receive from Head Office. When I’ve had a question, no matter how small or silly it may have seemed, I received a professional response. You are guided and supported every step of the way but you still feel ultimately that it is your business, so for me it is the perfect venture.
Instagram: @dramatots.diss.stow.thetford
Facebook: @DramaTotsDissStowmarketThetford
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